
The Flirtation Experiment: Putting Magic, Mystery, and Spark Into Your Everyday Marriage Hardcover – December 7, 2021 by Lisa Jacobson , Phylicia Masonheimer


[224 pages]

PUB: December 07, 2021

$24.99 $17.48

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Author: Jacobson Lisa

Brand: HarperCollins Christian Pub.

Package Dimensions: 27x210x299

Number Of Pages: 224

Release Date: 07-12-2021

Details: Product Description
From popular Christian voices Lisa Jacobson and Phylicia Masonheimer, The Flirtation Experiment inspires you to strengthen your marriage with a fun, unexpected approach that leads to the depth, richness, and closeness you desire.
Romance novels, Hallmark movies . . . the immense demand for romantic stories reveals a deep, unsatisfied longing that can be found in many marriages, but does it have to be that way? Is it possible that the best marriage has to offer can grow, rather than fade after you say “I do”? Lisa and Phylicia say, “Absolutely yes!”
So what is the secret to a happy, thriving, loving marriage, where the fire of romance and close friendship do not fade? While The Flirtation Experiment includes the frisky side of marriage, it’s far more than a good romp. By degrees, each chapter takes you to a deeper place, covering themes every beautiful marriage has in common, such as covenant, healing, and hope.
After reading The Flirtation Experiment, wives will

be filled with hope and encouragement for how they can make a powerful, positive change in their marriages,
become empowered to pursue their husbands romantically,
understand the Bible invites women to be proactive in their marriages,
be motivated to consistently love in creative ways, and
forge closeness and intimacy in their marriages.

“Intentional flirting keeps a positive lightness in the atmosphere and improves our overall communication,” says Jacobson. “My light flirtations bring us closer in meaningful ways and lead to connection on a deeper level. It helps us discover true romance waiting for us in everyday situations.”
Perfect for the wife who wants romance, passion, and the closeness that only comes from a deep heart connection but isn’t sure where to start, The Flirtation Experiment is a candid, real-life record of two Christian women from different seasons of life who discovered they could make a significant impact on their marriage relationships, one small flirtatious experiment at a time.
Readers can go deeper by using The Flirtation Experiment Workbook.
‘Are you looking to reignite the spark in your marriage? Increase your intimacy? Find greater joy in everyday living with your husband? The Flirtation Experiment is a wonderful source of ideas, encouragement, and practical ways to strengthen and deepen your marriage. Lisa and Phylicia share how small, doable changes can make a big difference over time, using their experiences as illustrations. While this is a positive, hope-filled book, I appreciate how authentic the authors are about the challenges in marriage and the commitment required to make positive changes that will last a lifetime. The Flirtation Experiment is an excellent resource and a great gift book as well.’ — J. Parker, author, Hot, Holy and Humorous: Sex in Marriage by God’s Design — J. Parker
About the Author
Lisa Jacobson is an author, a podcaster, and the founder of Club31Women.com, an online community of Christian women authors who write on marriage, home, family, and faith–a powerful voice for biblical womanhood. She is the author of the bestselling 100 Ways to Love Your Husband. Lisa and her husband, Matt, are also cohosts of the popular FAITHFUL LIFE podcast. They live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest where they have enjoyed raising their eight children

Phylicia Masonheimer is a national bestselling author, speaker, and host of the Verity Podcast. Her blog – Every Woman a Theologian- teaches Christians how to know what they believe and live it boldly. Theology touches every area of life, so Phylicia addresses cultural questions through the lens of church history and sound biblical interpretation. She lives in northern Michigan with her husband and three children.

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