
Rublev’s Trinity: An Ancient Painting, an Awesome God, and You PAPERBACK 2020 by Dr John K Smith


[114 pages]

PUB: October 15, 2020

$14.49 $9.95

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What is God like?
How does God work?
How does God relate to you?

These may be the most important questions you will ever ask. A 600-year-old Russian painting can help you find the answers.

Andrei Rublev was a Russian artist whose work reveals the Bible’s teaching about the nature and ways of God. It unwraps one of the most important and most confusing truths about God, that God is a Trinity. There is one God who is at the same time Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three figures in Rublev’s painting contain keys to unlocking the marvelous story of the Trinity’s plan to redeem the world.

Rublev’s Trinity will lead you on a discovery of amazing things about God. More important, you will be invited into a life-transforming relationship with the One True Living God.

If you are searching for God in your life, this ancient painting can lead you home.

Suggestions for personal reflection and
five Small Group Study Guides are included in the book.
Pastor John Smith has been leading mission trips to Russia since 1995. On his first trip he saw Rublev’s Trinity and recognized the power of its biblical message. He offers this book in the hope that reflecting on Rublev’s painting will deepen your faith as it has his.

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