
Intermittent Fasting For Women: The Golden Window For Women – The Essential Fast Metabolism Diet Guide For Women To Lose Weight Quickly and Effectively Step-By-Step PAPERBACK 2020 by Alisa Barr


[264 pages]

PUB: October 31, 2020

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Discover How The Golden Window For Women Can Help You Achieve Health and Wellness Like Never Before Today!

Intermittent fasting is one of the most talked about practices in health improvement domains. Basically, intermittent fasting is about creating a routine where you eat only after a set period of time. Intermittent fasting has been shown to have numerous benefits such as improving motor skills, developing willpower, and brain functions. Most people are turning to the practice to achieve their health goals-specifically, weight loss.

The most common way of performing an intermittent fast is by skipping meals. In the beginning, you may decide to skip one of the main meals, and when your body adapts to two meals a day, you may then elevate to just one meal per day. During the fast, you are not supposed to partake of any food, but it is okay to drink water and other low-calorie drinks like black coffee or black tea.

Intermittent fasting allows you to indulge in the foods of your choice, but there’s emphasis on avoiding foods that are traditionally bad for your health. The main thing is to give your body time to process food between your eating windows.

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