
How to Launch Your Side Hustle: Start and Scale a Business with Minimal Capital HARDCOVER 2020 by Troy R. Underwood


[139 pages]

PUB: January 07, 2020

$44.00 $43.95

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Once you’ve dug up enough pennies from between the couch cushions to start a new business, you’re going to need a plan. How to Launch Your Side Hustle will walk you through the process of crafting your venture.

Author Troy R. Underwood, a trained software developer and entrepreneur, emphasizes using low-cost techniques and creative ideas to finance, market, and run your business, even as it gains momentum. Using his previous company as a model of what to do–and sometimes what not do to–Underwood candidly takes you through the steps of building your business, guided by the principle of necessity.

Each chapter is dedicated to a particular facet of business, from hiring and training the right people to pricing your product or service, buying the right software and tools, navigating legal issues, and understanding when it’s time to sell the business. This book provides you with basic best practices in a quick and simple format, so you can get back to work on turning your aspirations into a reality.

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