Why Do I Feel Like This?: Understand Your Difficult Emotions and Find Grace to Move Through Paperback – May 25, 2021 by Peace Amadi


[224 Pages]

PUB:May 25, 2021


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Author: Amadi Peace

Brand: InterVarsity Press

Package Dimensions: 19x215x272

Number Of Pages: 224

Release Date: 25-05-2021

Details: Product Description
“Why do I feel this way?” Sometimes life is a mess and we get overwhelmed by all sorts of conflicting, difficult emotions. We might be stressed or weary, anxious or fearful, paralyzed by insecurity or crushed by pain. Worse yet, some well-meaning people invalidate our feelings and tell us to just cheer up and forget our worries. Rather than bypass the reality of our feelings, we need to enter into them and listen to what they’re telling us. Psychology professor and personal development coach Dr. Peace Amadi helps us navigate the complexity of our emotions, from discouragement and hurt to trauma and depression. She explains the dynamics underlying what we feel and gives practical resources for living through our emotions in healthy ways. With insights from both psychology and Scripture, this book offers you a clear plan to get your peace and freedom back and find your joy again.
“Psychologist Amadi debuts with a soothing guide that aims to reassure readers that, no matter how one is feeling, ‘it’s okay that you feel this way.’ This is an excellent primer on difficult emotions and a vigorous call to work through them to heal and grow.” — Publishers Weekly Review, May 2021
“If your trauma has ever made you feel alienated in your own body, culture, and spiritual community―this book is a salve. It chucks all of the infuriatingly trite but well-meaning advice out the window in favor of practicable, scientifically backed wisdom placed in a spiritual context. Dr. Peace Amadi uses years of clinical experience and teaching to help us befriend and understand our emotions as our body and spirit’s best portal for growth. In a comprehensive approach, she breaks down the barriers and stigmas around getting the help we deserve. If you’re feeling lost, alone, or overwhelmed, this book is a beautiful road map to healing.” — Sarah Montana, TEDx speaker and writer at the Hallmark Channel
About the Author
Peace Amadi is a psychology professor, speaker, children’s book author, content creator, and host. She holds a BA in psychology from UCLA and a masters and doctorate in psychology from Azusa Pacific University. As a woman of faith, she uses her various platforms to bridge the gap between mental health and faith for the purposes of engaging a deeper healing journey. As a woman of Nigerian descent, she calls for reflection on how healing is affected by culture and family. In Peace’s personal time, she enjoys creating meaningful moments with friends and family, sweet iced coffees, and digging up stories she’ll find some new way to share.

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