SERIES SUMMARY: In this sequel series to To Love Ru, the Shonen Jump hit that inspired multiple anime, Princess Lala’s younger sister Momo begins her own marital machinations to ensnare poor Rito. But to make her plan a reality, he has to become king of their interstellar empire, which would allow him to marry as many women as he wants! As Rito’s heart continues to waver between Lala and his first crush, Haruna, Momo finds herself unable to deny the feelings she has for the hapless earthling high schooler. Could a human alien harem be the solution to all their problems?
VOLUME SUMMARY: Finally, Yami decides it’s time: she must confront her feelings for Rito. But first she must seek out Mikan’s advice on how to even begin! Meanwhile, one of the most vicious killers in all the universe has come to earth with one deadly mission: to carry out a hit. And Rito’s the target!
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