
The National Parks: A Century of Grace Hardcover – December 29, 2020 by Ms. Karla K. Morton, Alan Birkelbach


[ 320 pages]

PUB:December 29, 2020

$54.95 $39.56

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Poets Karla K. Morton and Alan Birkelbach began this journey to celebrate our national parks’ one hundredth anniversary, but for these two poets the sojourns quickly became something greater than that. In their words, “As humans we have this tendency to look at a piece of land and see real estate. [But] when concrete covers all our natural spaces, not only do we lose earth’s creatures, we also lose the great teacher of our souls. You cannot sit beneath trees taller than the Statue of Liberty, or gaze upon vistas untouched since their creation, without feeling the awe and wonder of what the natural world has to offer. You cannot experience such beauty without being wholly changed. Our great-great-great-grandchildren deserve these untouched gifts.”

This journey, illustrated with gorgeous color photos of all of America’s grand national parks, is a feast for the eyes and heart. In the end, it is a plea for us to save these wonders for all future generations.

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