
Learning Colors: Montessori colors book, bits of intelligence for baby and toddler, children’s book, learning resources. Paperback – May 18, 2021 by Glorya Phillips


[44 pages]

PUB: May 18, 2021

$10.99 $7.58

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“Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid” (A. Einstein).

Psychology believes intelligence is a trait that can and should be cultivated. Like any other trait, the earlier one starts, the better the results.

‘Learning Colours’ uses a Montessori approach, aiming to take advantage of a child’s natural born curiosity in order to stimulate a well-developed critical thinking.

How does it do that? By using images of colours, so that it spurs the toddler’s cognitive abilities.

‘Learning Colours’ didn’t invent the wheel but it has adapted it to the 21st century, addressing itself to the parent that wants to go the extra mile, because he wants to raise a little genius.

This book has 42 pages with colours for babies and toddlers between 0 -3 years old.

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