
Jesus Talked About the Pedophile Scandal 2000 Years Ago. Matthew 18: 6,7 The Bible Says Satan in the Last Days Will Attack the Church with Islam, and Scandals. Revelation Chpt 12:17 Paperback March 4, 2015 by Mr. Stanley Ole Lotegeluaki

> > SKU: 1508729263


[338 pages]

PUB: March 04, 2015

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PEDOPHILE SCANDAL TRUE HISTORY Dear Sir. I am a small sheep and hardly significent but I have something to tell the commanding officers of the Catholic Church. JESUS TALKED ABOUT THE PEDOPHILE SCANDAL IN MATHEW CHPT 18: 5-7, MARK 9:42. LUKE 17:1-2.JESUS PROPHESIED THAT IN THE LAST DAYS SCANDALS OR “OFFENCES” MUST COME.THIS IS WHY THIS PASSAGE IS INSERTED IN THE BIBLE. MATHEW 18:5-7.”5: And whoso shall receive one such little child in My name receiveth me.”6″ But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”7″ Woe unto the world because of offences: for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom offence cometh.” So the Lord said that at one point in time Offences or scandals will come concerning the little ones in history before He came back at the Second coming. AND IT HAS HAPPENED. OFFENCES DID COME. Also note He said woe to the WORLD, that means Satan and his forces- the world were responsible, so Woe to them.that also means the Pope is not lax in his responsibilites because Jesus Himself prophesied that this scandal would happen in the last days.You as the Shepherds of the sheep must tell the Pope to look in the Bible and to tell the Catholic Church that Jesus knew about the scandal and wrote about it in the Bible. The Church will come out stronger knowing that everything is under control and on schedule. I am just a little sheep, what does my words matter. But I told you what the Lord told me to tell the higher ups. Satan attempted to smear Christians worldwide so they would be hated just as the Lord Jesus Christ said it would happen in the end times. Satan engineered the whole pedophile scandal and he is a PEDOPHILE. Jesus warned us 2000 years ago that this would happen in the end times in Mt 18:1-10. ” Offences” or “Scandals” must needs come. “offences” in Catholic Bibles is written as “scandals.” Another problem the Lord wanted me to tell the Church is that He, Jesus will change the days of the week. I dont know what every nation will do, but every nation has its own individual date system. For the Western world these are the days of the week. English and the related Germanic languages, such as German, Dutch, Danish, and Swedish, derive most of their names for the days of the week from Germanic and Norse mythology.1) Sunday (Sun day) 2)Monday ( Moon day) 3) Tuesday ( Twi’s day, Germanic god identified with Mars) ( Poltergeist Waster angel)4) Wednesday ( Wooden’s or Odin’s day) {Satan himself} 5) Thursday ( Thor’s day) { one of the frogs is called Thor} 6) Friday ( Frigg’s, or Freya’s day) { One of the three frogs called Frigg} 7) Saturday ( Saturn’s day) MONTHS 1) January ( Janus, god of gateways) 2) February ( Februa, festival of purification) 3) March (Mars, god of war-poltergeist antichrist angel) 4)April (aperio, the Latin “to open”) 5)May ( Maia, goddess of fertility)6) June ( Juno, goddess of women) 7) July (Julius Caesar) 8) August ( Augustus, the first Roman emperor) 9) September ( Latin seven) 10) October Octo- latin “eight” 11) November Novem- latin “nine”. 12) December- decem, latin “ten”. When Christ arrives we will no longer have pagan names for the calendar. Example Kush will have. Monday- John the Baptist day. Tuesday- Simon the Canaanite day. Wednesday- St. David day. Thursday- St. Michael day. Friday- St. Abaddon day. Saturday- Prophet Isaiah day. Sunday- Jesus day {or change to Jewish Sabbath?}.{ Every nation will have its own system according to their new Christian culture} The Church will have a international calendar with Israel. Think billions of years of the future. C.E. Christian Era. In a billion yrs the Church will not remember Satan’s attempt to discredit the Church.

Product details

  • Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 4, 2015)
  • Language : English
  • Paperback : 336 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1508729263
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1508729266
  • Item Weight : 1.73 pounds
  • Dimensions : 8.5 x 0.76 x 11 inches

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