
Boundaries (Valdemar) Paperback – December 7, 2021 by Mercedes Lackey

> > SKU: 9780756414740


[368 pages]

PUB: December 07, 2021

$18.00 $12.01

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Author: Lackey Mercedes

Color: Burgundy/maroon

Package Dimensions: 18x210x295

Number Of Pages: 368

Release Date: 07-12-2021

Details: Product Description
This fifteenth anthology of short stories set in the beloved Valdemar universe features tales by debut and established authors and a brand-new story from Lackey herself.

The Heralds of Valdemar are the kingdom’s ancient order of protectors. They are drawn from all across the land, from all walks of life, and at all ages–and all are Gifted with abilities beyond those of normal men and women. They are Mindspeakers, FarSeers, Empaths, ForeSeers, Firestarters, FarSpeakers, and more. These inborn talents–combined with training as emissaries, spies, judges, diplomats, scouts, counselors, warriors, and more–make them indispensable to their monarch and realm. Sought and Chosen by mysterious horse-like Companions, they are bonded for life to these telepathic, enigmatic creatures. The Heralds of Valdemar and their Companions ride circuit throughout the kingdom, protecting the peace and, when necessary, defending their land and monarch.
About the Author
Mercedes Lackey is a full-time writer and has published numerous novels and works of short fiction, including the bestselling Heralds of Valdemar series. She is also a professional lyricist and a licensed wild bird rehabilitator.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Tides of War

Dylan Birtolo

“Are you ready?” Taelor asked, swinging her sword in arcs small enough to not rip the top of the tent as she brought the blade around. “I bet I’ll get more of those Karsite bastards than you will.”

Eranel shook his head and rolled his eyes, his hands moving over his weapon’s edge in smooth, practiced motions. He had been through the routine enough that he didn’t need to watch where his fingers went to keep from nicking them on the sharpened metal.

“You’re a fool,” he said.

Taelor stopped at the end of her swing, tip of the weapon pointed toward the tent flap. Despite her recent exercise, the blade didn’t waver. Her strength would last through hours of training, and it had carved her athletic form out of stone. “You think I’m a fool? You’re the one sharpening your sword for something like the twentieth time this week. Here’s a tip: for it to get dull, it actually needs to cut something.”

“‘Taking care of one’s gear is of critical importance-‘”

Taelor jumped in with the second half of the quote. “-‘Lest you be caught unawares on the battlefield.’ I swear, it’s like you don’t remember we had the same tutors, were in the same bloody classes! But the time for study is over! We’re finally going to get our chance to make our parents proud. Our first battle.”

She twirled the blade, rolling her wrist as she pivoted on the ball of her front foot, swinging around to point the weapon at her companion. The tip of it hovered less than a hand’s width away from his nose. She looked down the edge of it and smirked. Until the top of her dark hair fell in front of her face and she huffed at it to blow the straight strands back.

In that moment, Eranel leaned back and flicked his sharpening stone at Taelor. She jerked to the side, moving her hand to protect herself from the projectile, bringing her weapon off target. With a smooth but powerful motion, Eranel brought his sword around in a full arc, smacking the flat of it against Taelor’s blade, knocking it out of her loose grip and into the dirt. Eranel stepped on it without so much as getting up. He had a strength and frame to match hers, as if they were both carved from the same marble.

“What was that about being caught unawares?” he asked, a grin teasing the corner of his mouth.

“This isn’t a battlefield,” Taelor said as she crouched down to snatch her weapon. He let her have it without a fight. She stood up and tucked it away. “But I’ll give you that one. That was good. Luckily I don’t think the Karsite army’ll be chucking whetstones.”

“You never know. They are savages, after all.”

The friends shared a brief laugh before Taelor left the tent. Eranel gave his blade a f

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