
As the Son of a Dog Man … I was Tortured with Knowledge Hardcover –2021 by Mitch Kemmer


[400 pages]

PUB:February 01, 2021

$199.95 $146.95

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As the Son of a Dog Man … I was Tortured with Knowledge is a true to life historical fiction account of the challenging task of firmly, humanely and effectively conditioning American Pit Bull Terriers for combat. Kemmer was a third-generation dog man, learning from his father and grandfather as he grew up in Southern Mississippi. He loves dogs, and the sport of their combat. With proper conditioning, a dog is equal to the challenges of combat, as is any professional athlete. Kemmer writes with genuine affection about the days when dogs meeting in combat was legal, respected, and represented the contest of worthy opponents. This is the story of how they prepared.

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