
O cangrexo amable (Galician Edition of “The Caring Crab”) (Colin the Crab) (Galician) Paperback – February 14, 2021 by Tuula Pere


[56 pages]

PUB: February 14, 2021

$14.99 $11.00

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Colin the Crab, the most skillful builder on the eastern riverbank, never hesitates to help his friends. Now Colin is busy with his own new project-a garden pavilion for his home. But after a week of hard work, the pavilion of his dreams is still unfinished. Even worse, a boisterous fish family has taken over the construction site. The exhausted Colin buries himself under a blanket and refuses to open his curtains. Puzzled, Colin’s friends call an emergency meeting-it’s time for them to take action!


O Cangrexo Colin era o albanel máis habilidoso da beira do lado leste do río e nunca dubidaba en axudar ós seus amigos. Logo dunha semana de duro traballo, a caseta que soñaba no xardín azul estaba aínda sen rematar e unha buliciosa familia de peixes apropiárase do lugar da súa obra.

Colin, exhausto, escóndese baixo a sábana e négase a abrir as cortinas. Os amigos de Colin están desconcertados e convocan unha reunión de emerxencia. É hora de que os amigos tomen medidas.

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